
Books on Depression

Whether you are struggling with depression or a loved one is, there are plenty of Books on depression that are worth reading. Whether you are looking for a funny book on depression or a serious book on depression, there are plenty of choices out there for you.

Lincoln’s Melancholy

Using recent research on depression, author Joshua Wolf Shenk explores the way melancholy affected President Abraham Lincoln’s life. By focusing on the ‘inside’ of Lincoln’s depression, Shenk shows how Lincoln mastered the art of coping with his feelings.

A major depressive episode is characterized by feelings of worthlessness, agitation, fatigue, and a depressed mood. During a major depressive episode, thoughts of suicide are common.

After a friend died, Lincoln sank into a deep depression. Then in January 1841, he felt the “Fatal First” – a moment of personal crisis. He turned to work to try to find out who he was and what he would endure.

The Valedictorian of Being Dead

Besides being a blogger, Armstrong has a lot to say about the trials and tribulations of parenting. She also makes a point to recommend the aforementioned and lesser known sites to fellow parents in the know. The Valedictorian of Being Dead is an informative and entertaining read.

The book is full of wit and wisdom, including the valedictorian’s laurelle, and a slew of anecdotes from the author’s days as a student. It’s a surprisingly revealing look into Armstrong’s past, present, and future. The story is one of love, loss, and forgiveness. The author’s journey is both inspiring and humbling. Among the many trials and tribulations, the most heartbreaking was when her husband walked out on her. This experience led to the book’s epilogue.

The Noonday Demon

Originally published as an article in The New Yorker, The Noonday Demon is a sweeping account of depression. In it, Solomon examines the causes of depression and the effectiveness of treatments. He also explores the ways in which depression afflicts all demographic groups. He discusses the various treatments, including antidepressants, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychoanalytic therapy.

Solomon’s book is a valuable resource for those suffering from depression. He shares his own experience with depression and the stories of other depressed people from around the world. His stories are both informative and heart-breaking. He also interviews scientists, doctors, and other sufferers.

The book is an ambitious encyclopedia of depression. It also digs deeply into Solomon’s personal history. He explains how his mother died of suicide, taking Seconal in front of her family.

The Upward Spiral

Using neuroscience to reverse the course of depression.

Alex Korb, a neuroscientist by trade, offers a comprehensive look at how the brain functions, how depression affects it, and what to do about it. Aside from a few clinically proven tips and tricks, The Upward Spiral also offers a number of brain-stimulating activities that help reverse the downward spiral.

A few small changes, like boosting your vitamin D, might not make you feel better immediately, but they will do their part over time. Keeping your mind and body in shape will also help you avoid bouts of depression in the future.

The Upward Spiral is an engaging look at the human brain and how it works. Alex Korb does an impressive job of describing the complexities of this marvel of modern science.

The Body Keeps the Score

‘The Body Keeps the Score’ is one of the most popular mental health books in the last decade. It explores how trauma affects the brain, body, and mind. It provides a comprehensive explanation of the effects of trauma, and describes various techniques that therapists use to help trauma victims recover.

Bessel van der Kolk, author of ‘The Body Keeps the Score’, is a psychiatrist who has been a successful clinician in Boston since the 1970s. He has written over 150 scientific articles and served as president of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. He regularly teaches at medical conferences, universities, and hospitals.

Bessel van der Kolk is an expert in brain trauma, and he is dedicated to helping trauma victims recover. He has a deep understanding of how trauma affects the brain, and he’s developed innovative treatment approaches.

Lost Connections by Johann Hari

Having suffered from depression for over a decade, Johann Hari is no stranger to the subject. In his enlightening book Lost Connections: A Social Obsession, Hari sets out to prove the case that depression is not all that it’s cracked up to be. It turns out that depression is not just about chemicals in the brain. There are other factors, like lack of meaningful work and financial stress, which contribute to its affliction.

One of the most compelling claims in Lost Connections is that depression is a product of social interaction. Hari has a knack for locating a story within the bone dry source material. He cites a number of scientific studies in his book.

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